Jim Truher

Senior Software Engineer, PowerShell

Original PowerShell team member

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Microsoft.PowerShell.TextUtility module updates

TextUtility module gets new functionality We have recently released another preview of the TextUtility module. This module is a collection of tools that are meant to help with working with text content. Installing the module You can install this module from the PowerShellGallery with PowerShellGet via: Or you can install it with ...

JSON Adapter Feedback Provider

This blog outlines a new feedback provider developed by the PowerShell Team to inform users of native executables that can output `JSON`.

PSScriptAnalyzer (PSSA) 1.21.0 has been released

Announcing the release of PSScriptAnalyzer 1.21

Hosting PowerShell in a Python script

How to use Python to call the PowerShell engine without running the PowerShell executable

Native Commands in PowerShell – A New Approach – Part 2

How to wrap native commands to take better advantage of the PowerShell environment

Native Commands in PowerShell – A New Approach

In this two part blog post I'm going to investigate how PowerShell can take better advantage of native executables. In the first post, I'm going to discuss a few of the ways that PowerShell can better incorporate native executables into our object oriented world and how we can use these tools to better fit into our model of more discrete ...

PSScriptAnalyzer (PSSA) 1.19.0 has been released

TL;DR; (Too Long; Didn't Read) This new minor version brings 5 new rules, the formatter is much faster and other enhancements and fixes. You can get it from the PSGallery here. At the same time the PowerShell extension for VS Code has released a new preview version. This ships with this new version of PSSA so that you can also take advantage...

Release of PowerShell Script Analyzer (PSScriptAnalyzer) 1.18.2

In keeping with the tradition of releasing improvements to  more often, we're happy to announce that 1.18.12 is now available! As a dependency of PowerShell Editor Services (a module used by editor extensions like the PowerShell Visual Studio Code extension), this release is motivated by a desire to further stabilize our editor experience. ...

Release of PowerShell Script Analyzer 1.18.1

Overview  ()  is now available on the PSGallery and fixes not only a lot of the issues reported for  but has also been made twice as faster compared to . Additionally, the  switch on has been improved to be platform agnostic and should now also work on Linux systems if DSC has been set up. A long standing concurrency bug related to...

PowerShell ScriptAnalyzer Version 1.18.0 Released

 ()  is now available on the PSGallery and brings a lot of improvements in the following areas: There are some minor breaking changes such as e.g. requiring the minimum version of PowerShell Core to 6.1 as 6.0 has reached the end of its support lifecycle. With this, it was possible to ...