.NET Parallel Programming

All about Async/Await, System.Threading.Tasks, System.Collections.Concurrent, System.Linq, and more…

Mechanisms for Creating Tasks

The core entity in the Task Parallel Library around which everything else revolves is System.Threading.Tasks.Task.  The most common way of creating a Task will be through the StartNew method on the TaskFactory class, a default instance of which is exposed through a static property on Task, e.g. var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { &...

Tasks and Unhandled Exceptions

Prior to the .NET Framework 2.0, unhandled exceptions were largely ignored by the runtime.  For example, if a work item queued to the ThreadPool threw an exception that went unhandled by that work item, the ThreadPool would eat that exception and continue on its merry way.  Similarly, if a finalizer running on the finalizer thread ...

Samples for Parallel Programming with the .NET Framework 4

Along with the release of the .NET Framework 4 Beta 1, we've just published a slew of samples that demonstrate using Parallel Extensions in a variety of ways.  You can download these from Code Gallery at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ParExtSamples.These samples include raytracers, a sudoku game, an image colorization algorithm, solvers ...

Concurrent, Multi-core Programming on Windows and .NET

Thanks to everyone who attended our PDC pre-conference session yesterday on parallelism and concurrency!  We had a wonderful turnout at the event, and David, Joe, and I all had a terrific time. Attached to this post are the slides we presented. (It turns out that the PDC site does allow you to submit an evaluation for a precon.  If ...


Parallel Extensions includes the System.Threading.Parallel class, which provides several high-level loop replacement constructs like For and ForEach. In previous blog posts, we've taken a look at implementing other loops, such as for loops with arbitrary initialization, conditional, and update logic, range-based loops, and a parallel while.&...