Showing results for Async - .NET Parallel Programming

Jun 27, 2011

Using Tasks to implement the APM Pattern

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

Several times recently, folks have asked how to use tasks to implement the APM pattern, otherwise known as the Asynchronous Programming Model pattern, or the IAsyncResult pattern, or the Begin/End pattern.  While moving forward we encourage folks to use a Task-based pattern for exposing asynchronous operation, the APM pattern has been the prev...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel Library.NET 4
Apr 13, 2011

TPL Dataflow CTP Refresh

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

Today, we released a new CTP of TPL Dataflow, otherwise known as System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.  You can download this as part of the Microsoft Visual Studio Async CTP, which will also install the new C#/Visual Basic support for writing asynchronous methods, or you can install the DLL itself through the installer available on the DevLabs...

Task Parallel Library.NET 4Async
Jan 26, 2011

TPL Dataflow on TC Labs

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

After releasing a CTP of TPL Dataflow as part of the Async CTP, we had multiple requests for a standalone download for just the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll.  Thanks to everyone who asked for this, and as of this morning, such an installer for an updated version of the preview is now available!  This is part of a special ...

Parallel ExtensionsAsyncRelease
Jan 15, 2011


Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

A question I’ve seen come up from time to time is “Why doesn’t Lazy<T> support asynchronous initialization?”  It’s a fair question.  After all, if you’re using Lazy<T> because you have an expensive resource you want to delay the creation of until it’s absolutely needed, it’s fair...

Parallel ExtensionsAsync
Jan 13, 2011

await anything;

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

One of the very cool things about the new await keyword in C# and Visual Basic is that it’s pattern based.  It works great with Task and Task<TResult>, and awaiting those two types will represent the vast majority of uses, but they’re by no means the only types that can be awaited.  The languages support awaiting any ins...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel LibraryAsync
Jan 13, 2011

Await, and UI, and deadlocks! Oh my!

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

It’s been awesome seeing the level of interest developers have had for the Async CTP and how much usage it’s getting.  Of course, with any new technology there are bound to be some hiccups.  One issue I’ve seen arise now multiple times is developers accidentally deadlocking their application by blocking their UI thread, ...

Task Parallel LibraryAsyncParallelism Blockers
Nov 21, 2010

Processing Sequences of Asynchronous Operations with Tasks

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

Of late, I’ve seen multiple folks asking about how to use tasks to asynchronously execute a sequence of operations.  For example, given three synchronous functions: public string DoA(string input); public string DoB(string aResult); public string DoC(string bResult); you could invoke these functions with code like: strin...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel Library.NET 4
Oct 28, 2010

TPL Dataflow preview available for download

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

As mentioned here, the Visual Studio Async CTP is now available for download from  Not only does this download add language support into C# and Visual Basic for writing asynchronous methods (in which you can easily “await” tasks), it also includes a new .NET library we lovingly refer to as “TPL...

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel LibraryAsync
Oct 27, 2010

Language support for Tasks!

Stephen Toub - MSFT
Stephen Toub - MSFT

Today is a very exciting day for Parallel Extensions, and indeed for all developers using C# and Visual Basic and who are interested in writing more responsive and scalable applications. At the PDC this morning, Anders Hejlsberg just announced the Visual Studio Async CTP, which you can download immediately from the landing page at

Parallel ExtensionsTask Parallel LibraryAsync