Stephen Toub - MSFT

Partner Software Engineer, .NET

Stephen Toub is a developer on the .NET team at Microsoft.

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Custom parallel looping constructs

For those of you that have examined the internals of the Task Parallel Library in our December '07 CTP release, you've likely noticed that the methods on the System.Threading.Parallel type are implemented on top of System.Threading.Tasks.Task type, and that they do so taking advantage of Task's self-replicating functionality.  The idea ...

Task Parallel Library on Channel 9

Charles from Channel 9 sat down with several of us from the Parallel Computing Platform team to discuss the Task Parallel Library component of Parallel Extensions. A video of the conversation is now available on Channel9: We hope you like it, and as always, feedback is ...

Burton Smith on Channel 9

Burton Smith is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and an industry leader in the fields of parallel and high-performance computing.  As part of a new video series we've kicked off, the folks at Channel 9 have posted a terrific hour-long interview with Burton about the past, present, and future of parallel computing.  Definitely check it...

Interested in parallel computing? We’re hiring!

If you're reading this post, you most likely have an interest in parallel computing, writing concurrent software, and the like.  Take that interest a step further, and help us make the manycore era a successful reality by coming to work on the Parallel Computing Platform team at Microsoft.We have a good number of positions available...

Recursion and Concurrency

When teaching recursion in an introductory computer science course, one of the most common examples used involves a tree data structure.  Trees are useful in this regard as they are simple and recursive in nature, with a tree's children also being trees, and allow for teaching different kinds of traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-...

PLINQ at Seattle Code Camp

In the Seattle area and want to hear more about PLINQ?  Igor Ostrovsky, a developer on the Parallel Extensions team, will be speaking today at the Seattle Code Camp from 3:00-4:15pm.  Check it out...

Debugger display of PLINQ queries

Sometimes very simple additions to an API or implementation make me happy.  One such nicety in the CTP of PLINQ is the implementation of ToString on the concrete types that represent query operators.  These implementations provide a textual representation of the query structure, which can be very nice for debugging purposes. ...

Parallel Extensions on .NET Rocks

Joe Duffy, our dev lead, appeared on the 12/25/07 edition of .NET Rocks!, speaking about Parallel Extensions and the Task Parallel Library: "Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft's Joe Duffy about the Task Parallel Library, which promises to make multi-threaded programming easier for us all."Enjoy...

F# and the Task Parallel Library

Over on his blog, Don Syme has a post about F# and Parallel Extensions: "Over the coming year I expect we'll be seeing this library used very widely from F#, and we'll eventually be using the TPL as a key underlying technology for F# asynchronous workflows. TPL excels at CPU-intensive parallelism and exploiting multiple cores, ...

LINQ 101, “Parallelism Blockers,” and PLINQ

PLINQ is a very cool technology, and I believe it will prove useful for parallelizing operations in a wide range of important scenarios.  Moreover, I believe that the programming model it provides will enable a wide-range of developers to easily take advantage of concurrency in their applications.  However, one of the risks ...