Stephen Toub - MSFT

Partner Software Engineer, .NET

Stephen Toub is a developer on the .NET team at Microsoft.

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Waiting for Tasks

Parallel Extensions makes it easy to wait for Tasks to complete.  Task exposes a Wait method, which can be used trivially: Task t = Task.Create(...); ... t.Wait();Task also exposes several static methods for waiting on an array of tasks, either for all of them to complete or for any of them to complete: Task t1 = Task.Create(...); Task t2...

Feedback requested: TaskManager shutdown, Fair scheduling

One of the primary reasons we've released CTPs of Parallel Extensions is to solicit feedback on the design and functionality it provides.  Does it provide all of the APIs you need to get your job done?  Are there scenarios you wished the APIs supported and that you need to work around in klunky ways?  And so forth.  We've ...

Custom Loop with Arbitrary Initialization, Condition, and Update

The Parallel.For loop construct provided by Parallel Extensions is focused on providing a parallel alternative to the common sequential pattern of a for loop that iterates over a range of numbers.  However, the for loop construct in a language like C# is not limited just to numbers and iterating over ranges.  It supports arbitrary ...

Useful Abstractions Enabled with ContinueWith

In the June 2008 CTP of Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework, we introduced the ContinueWith method on both Task and Future<T>.  ContinueWith is, in effect, a callback, very much like events in .NET.  With events, a causal action results in the event being raised, which by default triggers all of the delegates registered ...

Parallel Extensions Demo Fun on Channel 9

When I was at TechEd 2008 Developer last week, I met up with the great Dan Fernandez from Channel 9 to show off Parallel Extensions and to demonstrate some of the sample applications included with our June 2008 CTP.  The cameras were at the ready, so you can see the demonstrations, too: Thanks, Dan...

More Channel 9 Parallel Extensions Goodness

Charles from Channel 9 came over to building 112 last week for an in-depth look at what's new in the June 2008 CTP of Parallel Extensions.  We spoke on the subject for an hour and a half or so, which you can see in a two-part series that was posted to Channel 9 yesterday (by the way, Channel 9 team, the new site looks great!): What...

Mandelbrot in Parallel with C++/CLI

Since the release of the December 2007 CTP of Parallel Extensions, we've received several questions about whether Parallel Extensions can be used from C++/CLI.  In short, yes, it can! (It can be used with any .NET language, one of the beauties of this functionality being provided through a library.)  To demonstrate, we included in ...

What’s New in the June 2008 CTP of Parallel Extensions

We've just released a new community technology preview (CTP) of Parallel Extensions to the .NET Framework!  You can download it from  This release contains a plethora of bug fixes as well as some design changes to address some great ...

Concurrency Pre-Conference Session at the PDC

Interested in parallel programming with .NET and on Windows?  Thinking of attending the Microsoft PDC this year?  Well, if you do, make sure to come a day early.  The Parallel Computing Platform team will be presenting a day-long pre-conference session on October 26th from 10:00am-5:45pm: Concurrent, Multi-core Programming on ...

Parallel Computing Platform at TechEd 2008

(image) Heading to TechEd 2008? Come discover some of the exciting technologies the Parallel Computing Platform team is working on. We're presenting four sessions on parallelism at the Developer conference: DVP205 The Microsoft Parallel Computing Initiative: Bringing Concurrency to the Masses Tuesday, June 3 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM, S210 B ...