The Old New Thing

My colleague picked a good day to go out and catch a baseball game

I ran into one of my colleagues at the coffee stand and asked him how things were going. He said that Wednesday was his wife's birthday, and he asked her if she wanted to do anything special. "Let's catch a baseball game," she suggested. So off they went to watch a baseball game. Turns out they chose a good game to watch: Seattle Mariners ...

What if my application is really two applications bundled into a single file, and I want them collected into two groups on the taskbar in Windows 7?

A customer wanted to prevent multiple copies of their program from being grouped on the taskbar. They didn't give an explanation why, but let's assume that they are doing this for honorable purposes rather than as a way to annoy the user. For example, maybe their program is really multiple applications bundled inside a single EXE file for ...