The Old New Thing

Your chance to meet Raymond if you are near Palo Alto on the 23rd

There's been a slight change in plans. I will be in Palo Alto on April 23rd rather than April 20th. Not that anybody is affected by this beyond the folks at Microsoft's Silicon Valley Campus, since nobody else took me up on my offer. I guess I'm not as popular as I thought. Update 13-Apr-2007: Here's my schedule for April 23rd when I'm down ...

His lips are moving: In order to serve you better

Q: How do you know when a lawyer is lying? A: His lips are moving. This is of course a completely unfair and discriminatory joke. Many lawyers are women. Anyway, today I'm going to rant about the phrase "In order to serve you better." Whenever you hear this phrase, you are pretty much guaranteed that whatever follows will in fact not serve...