The NuGet Blog

The latest news, updates, and insights from the NuGet team

New experience for NuGet Documentation

Last month, we launched a preview of the revamped Nuget docs experience. We made a number of improvements: We would like to thank you for trying out the preview and giving us valuable feedback. We have incorporated your feedback and ironed out some wrinkles we found along the way. Today, we are going live with the new experience on ...

The path towards better documentation

Update 9/20 (11:00 A.M PST): The revamped NuGet Docs experience is now live on Read more about it here - New experience for NuGet Documentation is the authoritative guide on everything NuGet. It is used as reference by nearly 180k developers with over 500k page views a month. Summary of the most consistent ...

NuGet Targets for Project.Json now open source

A question that comes up from time to time is: how does Visual Studio 2015 add references when using project.json files in conjunction with a csproj without modifying the csproj file? This is a good question and demonstrates some of our strategy to help make NuGet easier to integrate into project systems without having to teach NuGet how to ...

Package Content and Removals

The NuGet community is awesome; involved and eager to build software to make it easy for use in bigger projects that the components and libraries that they themselves are building. Every now and again, community members can get a little too eager. This post is going to address a recent issue that was presented to the administrators...

NuGet 2 code base moves to GitHub

In the last few months we have constantly moved the issues and all new code base to GitHub. Today we moved the last bits of code from CodePlex to GitHub. We have stopped monitoring the CodePlex site completely, and will not be taking further looks at reports there or pull requests. As we keep working on NuGet 3.1.2 release for Visual Studio ...

Introducing the NuGet PowerShell Commands Survey

You've probably seen the cool announcements from Microsoft about the new Community Edition of Visual Studio and the upcoming Visual Studio 2015 release in the new year. We at the NuGet team have been ramping up our tools to support the new Visual Studio with a better visual experience and a better command-line experience. We've also released ...

Target Framework Filtering and a Pending Breaking Change

Have you ever seen this error before? (image) Doesn't it make you want to yell and scream at NuGet, "Why did you just show it to me if I couldn't install it!?‽" Yeah, it makes us want to yell and scream too, so we decided to set about fixing it! Along with that, we've also discovered a bug we want to correct but unfortunately, it's a ...

Redesigning the NuGet Websites

Blog Redesign is LIVE! What better way to announce upcoming website redesigns than by implementing that redesign on our blog? Earlier today, we deployed changes to that apply a new visual design that we expect to carry over to the docs and gallery sites too. Redesign Goals The goals of the redesign effort are manifold...

NuGet Governance Model

Over the last couple of years, we've had the chance to meet with many individuals who both use and contribute to NuGet. One of the questions that has come up on more than one occasion pertains to how decisions get made for NuGet, especially decisions around which features are included in NuGet releases. This is an understandable question, ...