Jun Han

Senior Software Engineer, DevDiv

Jun is a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. He focuses on developer tooling in Teams and APIs.

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Azure IoT Tools make it easy to monitor custom Event Hub endpoints

With your Azure IoT application becomes more and more complicated, it is a common scenario that developers leverage IoT Hub message routing to send device-to-cloud messages to different endpoints. Therefore, we want to a convenient way to view and monitor the custom endpoints. With Azure IoT Tools, developers could not only view all the ...

Read Azure IoT Hub device-to-cloud messages from the built-in and custom endpoints

IoT Hub Message Routing enables users to route device-to-cloud messages to service-facing endpoints. An IoT hub has a default built-in endpoint. You can create custom endpoints to route messages to by linking other services in your subscription to the hub. IoT Hub currently supports Azure Storage containers, Event Hubs, Service Bus queues...

Azure IoT Hub for VS Code 2.1.0: Great performance optimization, more code generation templates and UX improvement

Happy New Year! Azure IoT Hub for VS Code 2.1.0 is the first version released in the year of 2019. In the release, we have several great updates for performance optimization, code generation and user experience! You could see the full Changelog here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/vsciot-vscode.azure-iot-toolkit/changelog

Azure IoT Hub for VS Code: 200K installs, Open Source always on the Way

Really another milestone! We are glad to see that the Azure IoT Hub for VS Code has reached 200K installs now, with all 5-star ratings. More and more Azure IoT developers are using Azure IoT Hub for VS Code in their daily work. Azure IoT Hub for VS Code makes it easy to develop, build, deploy and test your Azure IoT application in the same ...

Azure IoT Toolkit supports IoT Hub Module Management (Module Twin, Module Direct Method, Module CRUD)

With the v1.4.0 release of Azure IoT Toolkit, it supports module management. You could easily create module, view module twin, update module twin, invoke module direct method and delete module in VS Code.

Azure IoT Toolkit supports C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby to develop Azure IoT application in VS Code

With the latest release of Azure IoT Toolkit, lots of popular languages are supported to quickly create an Azure IoT application in VS Code: C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby! (Note: For C#, Java, Node.js and Python, it is based on Azure IoT Hub SDK, while for Go, PHP and Ruby, it is based on Azure IoT Hub REST API.) What's your ...

Azure IoT Toolkit 1.2.0: Quickly build your Azure IoT application in VS Code with Node.js, Python or REST API

Do you know you could get started with Azure IoT very easily with popular languages such as Node.js and Python? With Azure IoT Toolkit, you could quickly build your Azure IoT application in VS Code in just a few minutes using Node.js, Python or REST API.

Azure IoT Toolkit 1.1.0 for VS Code released: Welcome page, generate SAS token, deploy Edge device at scale and more!

Shortly after GA of Azure IoT Toolkit for VS Code, We are pleased to announce that the 1.1.0 release of the Azure IoT Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code is now available from the marketplace. You can download the Azure IoT Toolkit extension from the marketplace, or install it directly from the extension gallery in Visual Studio Code. Let...

Use VS Code to call Azure IoT Hub REST APIs

The REST APIs for IoT Hub offer programmatic access to the device, messaging, and job services, as well as the resource provider, in IoT Hub. With the Azure IoT Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code, you could easily use IoT Hub REST APIs in VS Code, no extra toolchain needed! Let's see how quick it is to send a device-to-cloud message to ...

Use VS Code as IoT Hub Device Simulator — Say Hello to Azure IoT Hub in 5 Minutes

When doing development for Azure IoT solutions, developers may want to test and debug his cloud solution with a real device. However, not every developer has a real device in his hand.  With the Azure IoT Toolkit extension for Visual Studio Code, you could easily use VS Code as a device simulator to quickly interact with Azure IoT Hub. Let's ...