Microsoft Entra Identity Platform
A developer platform that helps protect your users and data.
Latest posts
Azure AD is being renamed to Microsoft Entra ID
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is being renamed in unification with the expanded Microsoft Entra identity and network access product family.
Empowering developers in the new Dev Center
New developer resources and features for Microsoft Entra External ID, the next-gen CIAM platform.
Join us at Microsoft Build 2023 to learn more about Consumer Identity (CIAM) with Microsoft Entra
Come join us at Microsoft Build 2023 to learn more about Consumer Identity (CIAM) with Microsoft Entra
Using the Microsoft Authentication Library with the Windows authentication broker
One of the interesting developments in the last few years in the field of authentication is the use of authentication brokers. Authentication brokers help make your applications more secure and resilient by enabling developers to remove the need to handle refresh tokens, simplify the user authentication flow and remove any variability from it, and take advantage of more complex authentication features, like Windows Hello, conditional access, and FIDO keys.
Announcing Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET 4.54.0, with General Availability of Managed Identity APIs
Today our team is excited to announce the release of Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET version 4.54.0!
Microsoft Entra Identity Developer Newsletter – May 2023
Check the latest product updates and upcoming events with our May newsletter! Stay informed and stay ahead with valuable insights!
Scope App Permissions for Secure Automation using Microsoft Azure Active Directory
Microsoft Graph app permissions for a service or daemon may be too permissive, but more granular permissions can be scoped using Azure AD.
Microsoft Entra Identity Developer Newsletter – April 2023
April is here! It's time for this month's highlights: NOTE: Visit What's deprecated in Azure Active Directory? for information about all ...
Improved Windows Broker Support with MSAL.NET
The Identity SDK team just released a brand-new version of the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for .NET that introduces an improved experience for ...