WCSF and SCSF Knowledgebase

Within the client program, we create a lot of guidance in the form of blog posts, codeplex pages, etc that are around our deliverables. Often these posts have a BANG when they go out but are then lost into the abyss of other posts. These posts have huge value for customers that are working with our guidance, but provide little value if they don’t know they exist.

Recently we decided to do something about this by creating a Knowledgebase for WCSF and SCSF. The KB contains categorized pointers to various blog posts and pages on CodePlex that have been created by the team along with simple descriptions. Here's a few headlines from both to wet your appetites.



  • Building a Composite Application Framework
    • ‌‌SCSF Version: ‌ All
    • ‌‌Description:‌‌‌ A series of posts on how to build a Composite Application Framework (Supervising Controller, Passive View, View to Presenter Communication, Assigning Responsibilities in a Model View Presenter Architecture, etc.).

Our Sustained Engineering team is committed to keeping the KB up to date. Although initially the KB will have mainly team posts, we plan on expanding out to capture what the community is doing as well. If you have any ideas for links / topics you think we should add, drop us a line ;)