Tech Ed 2007, I'll be there

This year I'll be attending in Barcelona presenting on the work we've been doing in Web Client vNext. I'll also be doing a chalk talk session on factory usage in the real world along with David Platt and Mario Szpusta.

WEB318 Web Client Software Factory (WCSF): Building Rich Internet Applications with ASP.NET AJAX and WCSF

Come to this session to hear about the exciting work we’ve been doing on the client team for Web Client vNext that leverages ASP.NET AJAX to provide that next generation experience. We’ll talk about things like AJAX views, Contextual Auto complete, Client-side validation, DI on user controls, and Presentation flow. We’ll do plenty of coding and demonstrate our RI that shows how all the pieces fit together.

TLAIS01 Discussing Proven Practices for using Smart Client Software Factory and Web Client Software Factory

In this interactive session you'll get the chance to discuss patterns and anti-patterns of using the Smart Client Software Factory and Web Client Software Factory. Don't miss this opportunity to hear the learnings of the patterns and practices team and to give your direct feedback.

If you are interested in the work we've been doing in the client space, then these sessions are for you. Also, there's a mystery guest who will be assisting with my Web Client talk and providing his 'services' ;)

Hopefully this year, I'll actually find the time to blog about the conference unlike last year when I set false expectations.