MSDN Article on "Prism" went to press


A few months ago I wrote an MSDN article on the new Composite Application Guidance (which will always be Prism to me :) ) which was just published. In the article I talk about Composite Applications in WPF in general, several design patterns in play, and specific ways to leverage WPF in doing so. I cover the essential components of the guidance, as well as how to use them in your apps. Oh and just for the record, I didn't copy the documentation, though I did write most of the overview content in it ;-)

In the same magazine, you'll also find a great article by Brian Noyes where he does a deep dive into how Routed Events and Commanding work under the hood. It was fantastic having Brian on the team as we built Prism. His experience was key to our delivering a solid offering.

If your evaluating whether or not Prism is right for you, or if you want some general insights on building Composite Applications then check it out. This includes if your looking to build on Silverlight, as p&p is currently in the trenches working on Prism 2.0! And if they are in the trenches you can be confident it will ship ;)

Writing this article was somewhat of a dream come true for me. Years ago I thought about becoming a technical author. At the time I had a key technology role in an enterprise software shop. My CEO convinced me it was the "wrong" way to go and I would never be happy, which in my naivety I believed. I now know he was just doing some smart management reverse psychology :-)

Anyway, when the opportunity came from Howard to fulfill some small aspect of this dream, I jumped at the chance. It was a terrific experience, though it had its share of late night stresses. Particularly because I was working on it while I was supposed to be on vacation. I hope to do more articles in the future. Let me know what worked and what didn't.

Oh and let me send a shout out to my homies in my old team in p&p!