Save the day with a Visual Basic, C#, or F# T-Shirt!

F# enthusiasts might be interested in this post on the .NET blog by program manager Anthony D. Green.

Mads and Dustin showed off these stylish little numbers at BUILD and ever since we've been getting pinged by community members wanting to know where they can get their very own so they too can show their passion for their favorite programming language(s).


These were originally team t-shirts from years ago and every time one of us wears one of them out at a talk or a conference without fail you let us know how much you'd love to get your hands on one. Finally Visual Basic MVP Jim Wooley shot me a tweet saying "Just put it on already!". Great idea, Jim! We actually lost the pattern but I've come up with a couple of different designs based on the original I want to share with you and hear what you think.

To continue reading (and to see the F# shirts), please see the full post on the .NET blog.

The Visual F# team is now publishing to the unified .NET Blog, along with Roslyn, ASP.NET, the core .NET Framework team, and others. This will give Visual F# content much more exposure, with posts shown alongside those of other key .NET technologies.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS readers. We will continue to cross-post here for a few months during the transition.