Rounding out Visual F# 4.0 in VS 2015 RC

Today marks the release of Visual Studio 2015 RC, which includes the latest updates to the Visual F# 4.0 language and tools.  Download the RC here, and review the VS release notes here.

Back in November, we described the F# 4.0 features that were completed in time for the Visual Studio 2015 Preview build. New features like constructors as first-class functions, simplified mutable/ref values, a normalized collections API, and more were warmly received.  We didn’t stop there, though!

This post describes the F# 4.0 work that’s been completed since Preview.  Together with the features announced earlier, this completes the planned feature set for F# 4.0. Bug fixes and performance optimizations will continue to be accepted up until VS 2015 RTM. The F# bits that ship with today’s RC build map to commit 76ae08d.

To continue reading, please see the full post on the .NET Blog.

The Visual F# team is now publishing to the unified .NET Blog, along with Roslyn, ASP.NET, the core .NET Framework team, and others. This will give Visual F# content much more exposure, with posts shown alongside those of other key .NET technologies.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS readers. We will continue to cross-post here for a few months during the transition.