[Guest post] Visual F# Power Tools: community-led tooling for F# in Visual Studio

This is a guest post by Anh-Dung Phan and Vasily Kirichenko, F# community developers and contributors to the superb Visual F# Power Tools extension for Visual Studio. – Visual F# Team

We are pleased to tell you about the Visual F# Power Tools, a Visual Studio extension aimed at providing extended tooling for F# in Visual Studio. You can download it today from the Visual Studio gallery.

The goal of the extension is to complement the standard Visual Studio F# tooling by adding missing features such as semantic highlighting, rename refactoring, find all references, metadata-as-source, and more.

What’s particularly special about this project is that it's a collective effort of the F# open source community. We work alongside the Visual F# Team at Microsoft in order to provide a complete toolset for F# users in Visual Studio.

This project is about 1.5 years old now, and has received overwhelming positive feedback from the F# community. Today we are excited to share this effort, and the story behind it, with a broader audience.

To continue reading, please see the full post on the .NET Blog.

The Visual F# team is now publishing to the unified .NET Blog, along with Roslyn, ASP.NET, the core .NET Framework team, and others. This will give Visual F# content much more exposure, with posts shown alongside those of other key .NET technologies.

Please update your bookmarks and RSS readers. We will continue to cross-post here for a few months during the transition.