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Announcing .NET 9

Announcing the release of .NET 9, the most productive, modern, secure, intelligent, and performant release of .NET yet. With updates across ASP.NET Core, C#, .N...
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Cryptographic Improvements in ASP.NET 4.5, pt. 1
I am Levi Broderick, a developer on the ASP.NET team at Microsoft. In this series, I want to introduce some of the improvements we have made to the cryptographic core in ASP.NET 4.5. Most of these improvements were introduced during beta and spent several months baking. When you create a new project using the 4.5 templates baked into Visual Studio 2012, those projects will take advantage of these improvements automatically. The intent of this series is both to explain why the ASP.NET team made these investments and to educate developers as to how they can take maximum advantage of this system. This series will...

An easy solution for improving app launch performance
Over the last ten years of building the .NET runtime, quite a number of assumptions have changed. Early on we could assume that most computer users only had one processor. Today, the assumption is that you have at least two processors. While including parallelism in an app for performance challenges most developers, what if that parallelism came for free? That's exactly what we've done with our newest CLR performance feature. Today, Dan Taylor, a program manager from the CLR performance team, shares how multicore JIT can make your app start faster. The best part -- you just have to include two lines of code to tr...

.NET Framework 4.5 – Off to a great start
The .NET Framework just passed 3 million downloads. During this time, we’ve been monitoring your experience, paying attention to both telemetry and social traffic. One of the first things I do every morning is read through all the Twitter traffic about .NET. Many others on the .NET team do the same. If you’ve raised an issue about .NET compatibility, you’ve probably heard from Varun Gupta, program manager for compatibility in the .NET Framework. He wrote the following post to share what we’re doing with your feedback. --Brandon In this post, we will look at the adoption we’ve seen and feedback we’ve received...

Improvements in .NET Framework Setup for Developers, IT Pros, and Users
The only experience most Microsoft customers have with the .NET Framework is the deployment and installation experience, which is why we spend so much time analyzing opportunities to improve it. For .NET 4.5, our goal was to build a product that was equivalent to a service pack with additional features. Our team studied how other products with similar update goals managed to improve their deployment then we took those best practices and applied them to the .NET Framework 4.5. This is an area where we heavily rely on telemetry data to prioritize areas of improvement, a practice that has led to noticeable change...

BlogEngine.NET and Windows Azure Web Sites
The Windows Azure Web Sites team has been hard at work looking at various applications and working with vendors and community contributors to add some great applications to the web sites gallery. If you’re a blogger and you’d like to get started for free with a simple, yet extensible blogging tool, you might want to check this out. Starting this week you can install BlogEngine.NET into a free instance of a Windows Azure Web Site. I’ll walk you through the process in this post. The Gallery Windows Azure Web Sites makes it easy to get started with a new web site, and you can’t beat the price and the ability ...

Improving Your App’s Performance with PerfView
Late last year, Vance Morrison, who is currently an architect on the .NET Framework Performance team, released PerfView, which is a new performance tool for .NET developers. PerfView helps you discover and investigate performance hotspots in .NET Framework apps, and enables you to deliver consistently high-performance apps to your customers. Using PerfView, you can perform complex CPU performance analyses to solve hard-to-detect performance problems. PerfView's revolutionary grouping and folding features are what makes it possible to grasp and solve these difficult problems. PerfView can be used for any app on...

Spell Checker extension for Visual Studio 2012 HTML, ASP.NET, CSS and other files
I have updated spell checker extension for Visual Studio 2012. You can download it from Visual Studio Gallery. Spell checker supports text verification in: Spell checking is supported in style and script blocks as well as in JS, CS, VB, CSS, CPP and H files. Spell checker is able to detects lang attribute specified on HTML elements, extract ISO language and use it to specify appropriate dictionary for the Office spell checking engine. Requirements Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 any edition except Express. Microsoft Word 2003, 2007 or 2010. Extension was not tested with Office 15 preview. ...

More Details on the “Closing Tag Problem”
We are testing a fix for the “closing tag problem” bug, but it will still take some time to deliver the fix to customers. The work-around posted earlier will alleviate the problem now and should not need to be undone once the fix is shipped.This bug has actually been in the product for several release, but was previously hidden by another bug. When you begin typing an HTML tag, an Intellisense completion list is displayed. The earlier bug was that this list blocked keystrokes bound to commands from firing. An obscure command, “AutoCloseTagOverride” was bound to the key combination Ctr...

Workaround for HTML closing tag problem
In Visual Studio 2012, HTML tags will fail to be automatically closed when using the following keyboard layouts: On these keyboards, the “>” character is typed by pressing AltGr+. or RightAlt+.Work around Typing an HTML tag will now result in the closing tag being automatically inserted, as in VS 2010.