.NET Blog

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.NET Framework November 2017 Security and Quality Rollup

Today, we are releasing the November 2017 Security and Quality Rollup. Security This release contains no new security updates. The most recent .NET security updates were shipped with the September 2017 Security and Quality Rollup. Quality and Reliability This release contains the following quality and reliability improvements. CLR WPF...

Creating a Minimal ASP.NET Core Windows Container

This is a guest post by Mike Rousos One of the benefits of containers is their small size, which allows them to be more quickly deployed and more efficiently packed onto a host than virtual machines could be. This post highlights some recent advances in Windows container technology and .NET Core technology that allow ASP.NET Core Windows ...

Modernize existing .NET apps with Windows Containers and Azure

(image) As part of the series of posts announced at this initial blog post (.NET Application Architecture Guidance) that explores each of the architecture areas currently covered by our team, this current blog post focuses on introducing the new "Modernize existing .NET applications with Windows Containers and Azure" eBook which you can ...

Publishing a Web App to an Azure VM from Visual Studio

We know virtual machines (VMs) are one of the most popular places to run apps in Azure, but publishing to a VM from Visual Studio has been a tricky experience for some. So, we’re pleased to announce that in Visual Studio 15.5 we’ve added some improvements to the experience. In this post, we’ll discussed the requirements for a VM that’s...

Introducing API Analyzer

This post was written by Olia Gavrysh. Have you ever wondered which APIs are deprecated and which should you use instead? Or have you ever used an API and then found out it didn't work on Mac or Linux? Have that ever happened to you too late when a major part of your code is already implemented and refactoring is way too hard? Both of ...

Welcome to C# 7.1

With C# we have always tended towards major releases: bundle a lot of features up, and release less frequently. We even went so far as routinely omitting the traditional ".0" when we talked about C# 6.0! In the C# 7.0 "wave" we are trying something new. Tools such as Visual Studio upgrade on a frequent cadence, and there's no longer a ...

Moving to real time test discovery in Test Explorer

Real time test discovery is a new Visual Studio feature that uses a Roslyn analyzer to discover tests and populate the test explorer in real time without requiring you to build your project. This feature has been introduced in Visual Studio 2017 15.5 Preview 2 behind a feature flag. You can try it out by using the instructions in the next ...

Sharing Configuration in ASP.NET Core SPA Scenarios

This is a guest post from Mike Rousos ASP.NET Core 2.0 recently released and, with it, came some new templates, including new project templates for single-page applications (SPA) served from an ASP.NET Core backend. These templates make it easy to setup a web application with a rich JavaScript frontend and powerful ASP.NET Core backend. Even ...

Entity Framework 6.2 Runtime Released

Today we announce the availability of EF 6.2 runtime in NuGet.org. Entity Framework (EF) is Microsoft's traditional object/relational mapper (O/RM) for .NET Framework. To understand the difference between EF6 and EF Core, please refer to our documentation. How to obtain the new package You can install EF 6.2 either using the "Manage NuGet...

.NET Core Performance Profiling with Intel® VTune™ Amplifier 2018

Last Updated: 2018-04-30 This post was written by Varun Venkatesan, Li Tian, and Juan Rodriguez, engineers at Intel. They are excited to share .NET Core-specific enhancements that Intel has made to VTune Amplifier 2018. We're excited to have a new tool to use to help make .NET Core faster on Intel chips. Intel has been a strong partner in ...