Andrew Chan - MSFT

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Multiple Monitor Support for Windows Store Apps in Visual Studio 2013 Update 3

With Windows 8.1, you can drag and move Windows Store apps between multiple monitors. Prior to Visual Studio 2013 Update 3, launching and debugging Store apps from Visual Studio would always open it on the primary monitor. In Visual Studio 2013 Update 3, we have added persistence to remember which screen the Store app was occupying when you ...

.NET Memory Analysis: Go to Source in Visual Studio 2013 Update 3

For those of you using .NET memory dump analysis to investigate memory issues and inspect values of objects and instances in your dumps, we have added a small improvement to bring you to your source in Visual Studio 2013 Update 3. If you have ever been examining your memory types and want to inspect the definition of a particular object or ...

Phone Debugging in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2

Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 introduced several exciting changes for mobile development. You are now able to use the same programming model that you use to build Windows Store apps for Windows 8.1, to build XAML apps Windows Phone 8.1. In this post, I will remind you of the most important diagnostic capabilities that you will know from Windows...

.NET Memory Analysis: Object Inspection

In Visual Studio 2013, we introduced a way to analyze .NET Memory with Visual Studio. Now in the Update 2, we’ve added a new feature to inspect values of objects and instances to improve your diagnostic capabilities. You can follow along using the same code and dumps from the SampleLeak App we had in the previous walkthrough. If you are ...

Triggering Prefetch for Windows Store Apps in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2

Windows 8.1 introduced a method for Windows Store App developers to pre-register content with the Windows API to cache resources to be used by your apps before your app has been launched. This was to address the issue where your application loads slowly on startup while it waits to pull down the latest information. You can read more about ...

Opening 64-bit Dumps of 32-bit Processes in Visual Studio 2013

Hello, I am Andrew Chan, a Program Manager on the Visual Studio Debugger Team and in this post I would like to go over an improvement we’ve made to opening dumps of 32-bit processes in Visual Studio. In a nutshell, Visual Studio is now able to open dumps of 32-bit processes that are collected using Task Manager on 64-bit ...

.NET Remote Symbol Loading Changes in Visual Studio 2012 and 2013

In this blog post, we will cover the changes we have made in the way we load symbols in the remote debugging experience for .NET languages. This applies to remote debugging for .NET languages and other languages will load symbols locally. Visual Studio 2010 experience In Visual Studio 2010, we would look for symbols deployed onto the remote ...

Switching to Managed Compatibility Mode in Visual Studio 2013

In Visual Studio 2012, we introduced a new managed debug engine that provides us the ability to more rapidly add new features compared to the older implementation. This can be seen by the number of features introduced in Visual Studio 2013 after only a single year including Managed Return Values, .NET 64-bit Edit and Continue, Async Callstacks...