Ari Bornstein

AI enthusiast with a passion for engaging with new technologies, history, and computational medicine.

Post by this author

Using Object Detection for Complex Image Classification Scenarios

An overview of different image classification approaches including Microsoft Azure Custom Vision Service and CNTK for various levels of classification complexity.

End to End Object Detection in a Box

Building a video tagging tool on top of CNTK to enable developers to create, review and iterate object detection models.

Building LUIS Models for Unsupported Languages with Machine Translation

A wrapper for the Microsoft LUIS Cognitive Service that provides universal language support (after training) using the Cognitive Service Translation API.

Regulating Sensor Error in Wastewater Management Systems with Machine Learning

A tutorial for building a real-time sensor anomaly detector for use in municipal wastewater treatment systems.

Building a Low Latency Smart Conversational Client

An an end to end smart conversational client, that enables low latency voice and text interaction, using Microsoft's intent recognition technologies and a local smart cache.