Conditionally Trivial Special Member Functions

Sy Brand

The C++ standards committee is currently focusing on adding features to the language which can simplify code. One small example of this in C++20 is conditionally trivial special member functions, which we added support for in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8. Its benefit isn’t immediately obvious unless you’ve been deep down the rabbit hole of high-performance library authoring, so I’ve written this post to show you how it can make certain generic types more efficient without requiring huge amounts of template magic.

The Problem

Types which wrap other types are common in the C++ world: pairs, tuples, optionals, adapters, etc. For some of these your implementation can’t use the default special member functions (default constructor, copy/move constructor, copy/move assignment, destructor) because there’s some additional work that needs to be done. Take for example this std::optional-like type:

template <typename T>
struct optional {
   bool has_value_;
   union {
      T value_;
      char empty_; //dummy member

It has a bool member to say whether it is currently storing a value, and a union member which either stores a value or stores a dummy member when the optional is empty.

The default special members won’t work here: when the union member has non-trivial constructors and destructors, we need to explicitly handle these in our optional type. Focusing on the copy constructor, here’s a potential implementation:

   optional(optional const& rhs)
      : has_value_(rhs.has_value_), empty_()
      if (has_value_) {
         new (&value_) T(rhs.value_);

We check if the rhs has a value, and if it does, we use it to copy-construct our own value.

But there’s a performance issue here. Say we make a copy of an optional<int>, like this:

optional<int> make_copy(optional<int> const& o) {
  return o;

Since ints are trivially copy constructible (i.e. one can copy them by copying their memory rather than having to use any constructors), copying the optional<int> should only require copying its byte representation. But this is the code which the compiler generates for make_copy:

      movzx eax, BYTE PTR [rdx]   #load o
      mov BYTE PTR [rcx], al      #copy.has_value_ = rhs.has_value_
      test al, al                 #test rhs.has_value_
      je SHORT $EMPTY             #if it’s empty, jump to the end
      mov eax, DWORD PTR [rdx+4]  #load rhs.value_
      mov DWORD PTR [rcx+4], eax  #store to copy.value_
      mov rax, rcx                #return copy
      ret 0

What we really want is a way to use the default special member if the corresponding one in T is trivial, and otherwise use our custom one.

C++17 Approaches

One approach which at first seems possible is using std::enable_if to select between the default and custom copy constructor implementations depending on the properties of T:

template <class U = T, 
          std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_constructible_v<U> && 
                           std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<U>>* = nullptr>
optional(optional const& rhs) = default;

template <class U = T, 
          std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_constructible_v<U> &&
                           !std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<U>>* = nullptr>
optional(optional const& rhs)
      : has_value_(rhs.has_value_), empty_()
   if (has_value_) {
   new (&value_) T(rhs.value_);

Unfortunately, special members other than the default constructor cannot be templates, so this doesn’t work.

The common solution which does work is to rip the storage and special members of the template into base classes and select which to inherit from by checking the relevant type traits. The implementation of this is fairly hairy, so I’ve explained it down at the bottom of this post for those who want to see it.

If we make this change, then the assembly for make_copy becomes this:

      mov rax, QWORD PTR [rdx]   #load o
      mov QWORD PTR [rcx], rax   #copy memory
      mov rax, rcx               #return copy
      ret 0

Now we have more efficient code generated, but a whole load of tricky C++ which is hard to write, to maintain, and for the compiler to build efficiently. C++20 lets us keep the efficient assembly, and vastly simplifies the C++.

C++20 Solution

Although our std::enable_if solution from above wouldn’t work because those functions can’t be templates, you can constrain non-template functions using C++20 concepts:

optional(optional const&) = default;

optional(optional const& rhs)
requires std::copy_constructible<T> && !std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T>
    : has_value_(rhs.has_value_), empty_()
   if (has_value_) {
   new (&value_) T(rhs.value_);

Now optional<T> is trivially copy constructible if and only if T is, with minimal template magic. We’ve got both efficient code generation and C++ which can be understood and maintained a lot easier than before.

The Hairy C++17 Implementation

As promised, here’s how you’d do this in C++17.

We start off by tearing the storage out into its own base class:

template <class T>
struct optional_storage_base {
   optional_storage_base() :
     has_value_(false), empty_()
   bool has_value_;
   union {
      T value_;
      char empty_;

We then have a base class for the copy constructor for when T is trivially copy constructible, and we introduce a default template parameter which we’ll specialize later.

template <class T, bool = std::is_trivially_copy_constructible_v<T>>
struct optional_copy_base : optional_storage_base<T> {
  //default copy ctor
   optional_copy_base(optional_copy_base const&) = default;

  //have to default other special members
   ~optional_copy_base() = default;
   optional_copy_base() = default;
   optional_copy_base(optional_copy_base&&) = default;
   optional_copy_base& operator=(optional_copy_base const&) = default;
   optional_copy_base& operator=(optional_copy_base &&) = default;

Then we specialize this template for when T is not trivially copy constructible:

template <class T>
struct optional_copy_base<T, false> : optional_storage_base<T> {
   optional_copy_base(optional_copy_base const& rhs)
      if (rhs.has_value_) {
         this->has_value_ = true;
         new (&this->value_) T(rhs.value_);

   //have to default other special members
   ~optional_copy_base() = default;
   optional_copy_base() = default;
   optional_copy_base(optional_copy_base&&) = default;
   optional_copy_base& operator=(optional_copy_base const&) = default;
   optional_copy_base& operator=(optional_copy_base &&) = default;

Then we make optional inherit from optional_copy_base<T>:

template <typename T>
struct optional : optional_copy_base<T> {
   //other members

Then we do this all over again for the move constructor, destructor, copy assignment, and move assignment operators. This is exactly what standard library implementors have to go through to get the best codegen possible at the expense of implementation and maintenance burden. It’s not fun, trust me.

Give us your feedback

Download Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 today and give it a try. We’d love to hear from you to help us prioritize and build the right features for you. We can be reached via the comments below, Developer Community, and Twitter (@VisualC). The best way to file a bug or suggest a feature is via Developer Community.


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  • Aron Parker 0

    Great article! I suppose this would make implementing things like std::expected much easier which as far as I know is still not in the standard (C++20).

  • Felan Ross 0

    This is a very informative article. Good to know it. I will recommend this to my brother in O’hare Limo

  • Mossad Herlambang 0

    thanks oh dear, this article helped me for the issues
    problem about C++20 Solution . God Bless you Sybrand

    i was Affiliate marketing CPA manager in my company and this solved my problem , thanks very much…..

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