Showing results for Azure SQL - Azure SQL Devs’ Corner

Jun 16, 2020

Go Azure SQL!

Silvano Coriani
Silvano Coriani

Go is a very popular programming language for developing microservices, Web APIs and other server-side applications, and Azure SQL can definitely be an option where to persist data for these applications in a scalable, reliable and modern way leveraging Microsoft SQL Server Driver for Go and ORM packages like Gorm. Give it a try!

Azure SQL
Jun 10, 2020

JSON in your Azure SQL Database? Let’s benchmark some options!

Silvano Coriani
Silvano Coriani

Introduction Storing and retrieving data from JSON fragments is a common need in many application scenarios, like IoT solutions or microservice-based architectures. You can persist these fragments can be in a variety of data stores, from blob or file shares, to relational and non-relational databases, and there’s a long standing debate in the in...

Azure SQL
Jun 4, 2020

Improve JDBC application reliability with Azure SQL and connection pooling

Silvano Coriani
Silvano Coriani

A growing number of Azure SQL Database customers are developing new applications in Java using a JDBC driver from Microsoft or a 3rd party. These drivers are providing quite extensive support and covering most of database service capabilities and performance expectations but there are a couple of areas that deserve some attention.

Azure SQL
May 28, 2020

Optimize Azure SQL Upsert scenarios

Silvano Coriani
Silvano Coriani

Customers often need to move a dataset from a source system into a new destination, inserting rows that doesn't exist in a target table and update those that already exists. With this technique, we've been able to reduce the time needed to upsert a dataset of 2M rows against a target table with 30M rows from 20 hours to 20 minutes. 

Azure SQL
May 20, 2020

DevOps for Azure SQL

Arvind Shyamsundar
Arvind Shyamsundar

DevOps is a broad term with multiple technology and process options at hand. Read this post for an overview of what DevOps for Azure SQL means, and review some options for tools and processes to use.

Azure SQLDevOps
May 15, 2020

Join us: Azure SQL at Microsoft Build 2020

Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri

Don't miss Microsoft Build 2020, this year delivered 100% online and 100% free. Make sure to attend to Azure SQL and SQL Server sessions, to see with your own eyes what you can do with all the features that we packed in these two amazing post-relational databases!

Azure SQL
Apr 25, 2020

10 reasons to use Azure SQL in your next project

Davide Mauri
Davide Mauri

There are many database technologies available on Azure that you can choose from. Why would you use Azure SQL? Let me show you why, using just 10 simple points: from JSON support to ColumnStore, through Geospatial and Temporal queries, Non-Blocking transaction, Encryption and Row-Level Security and the amazing Intelligent Query Optimizer.

Azure SQL