.NET Blog

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VS Publish dialog Update Database dialog disabled

If you have tried out our new Web Publish experience in Visual Studio you may have noticed that the Update Database checkbox is disabled. See the image below. (image) The intended behavior of this checkbox is to enable you to incrementally publish your database schema from the source (the connection string in web.config) to the destination...

KB2650605 QFE : VS2010 sp1 VB web form editor may not become editable during debugging

We recently released a VS2010 sp1 QFE KB2650605 to solve a VB editor debugging problem.  During VB web form debugging, VB web form may become un-editable if there are server tags inside.  If you develop and debug VB web forms, you might be interested to download this QFE. http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/...