.NET Blog

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December 2016 Update for .NET Core 1.0

Today, we are releasing a new set of reliability and quality updates for .NET Core 1.0. This month's update is our second Long Term Support (LTS) update and includes updated versions of multiple packages in .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core. We recommend everyone on the 1.0.* LTS track move to this update immediately. How to ...

PCL and .NET NuGet Libraries are now enabled for Xamarin

Earlier today, Soma announced a collaboration between Microsoft and Xamarin. As you probably know, Xamarin’s Visual Studio extension enables developers to use VS and .NET to extend the reach of their apps across multiple devices, including iOS and Android. As part of that collaboration, today, we are announcing two releases around the .NET ...

HttpClient 2.2 is now RC

Today we are happy to announce the next step in providing a portable HttpClient with automatic decompression: we just pushed the RC version to NuGet. From Beta to RTM We haven’t changed much since the beta we shipped three weeks ago – simply because we didn’t have to. In general we follow these steps when shipping ...

Update to HttpClient and Automatic Decompression

Two weeks ago, we published a beta of HttpClient that provides support for automatic decompression. Since then, we’ve received a fair amount of feedback, especially around the fact that it relies on a native implementation of compression that isn’t available on the same platforms as HttpClient. Today, we’ve published another...

Portable Compression and HttpClient Working Together

Today we’re happy to announce that we released two NuGet packages: Before we go into the details, let’s first take a look at why compression is particularly interesting for HttpClient. Compression and HttpClient We live in a world where we are permanently surrounded by devices, particularly smart phones. Apps that run on these ...

Portable Compression and HttpClient Working Together

Today we’re happy to announce that we released two NuGet packages: Before we go into the details, let’s first take a look at why compression is particularly interesting for HttpClient. Compression and HttpClient We live in a world where we are permanently surrounded by devices, particularly smart phones. Apps that run on these ...

Portable Compression and HttpClient Working Together

Today we’re happy to announce that we released two NuGet packages: Before we go into the details, let’s first take a look at why compression is particularly interesting for HttpClient. Compression and HttpClient We live in a world where we are permanently surrounded by devices, particularly smart phones. Apps that run on these ...

Portable Compression and HttpClient Working Together

Today we’re happy to announce that we released two NuGet packages: Before we go into the details, let’s first take a look at why compression is particularly interesting for HttpClient. Compression and HttpClient We live in a world where we are permanently surrounded by devices, particularly smart phones. Apps that run on these ...