.NET Blog

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Open-source HTTP API packages and tools

This post covers a variety of things any .NET developer who plans on building HTTP APIs will want in their toolchain or dependency list. We'll show you some new and exciting frameworks coming up that are built atop ASP.NET Core web API and hopefully make the craft of building and testing HTTP APIs with .NET easier. There are so many opport

Creating Discoverable HTTP APIs with ASP.NET Core 5 Web API

This month, we'll be focusing on building HTTP APIs with .NET 5. We'll explore a myriad of different tools, technologies, and services that make your API development experience more delightful. Each week, we'll release a new post on this blog that goes into a separate area of building HTTP APIs with .NET, focusing mostly on using ASP.NET Core ...

ASP.NET Core Apps Observability

Based on interactions with customers using .NET Core in different environments, this article explores options for adding observability to .NET Core apps. Looking specifically into OpenTelemetry and Application Insights SDKs to add observability to a sample distributed application.