.NET Blog

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Updates to ASP.NET 5 yeoman generators for beta 3

Hi everyone, the blog post below is written by Shayne Boyer, who is a community member that has been working on the ASP.NET 5 yeoman generators. I hope you enjoy it. - Sayed With the most recent version of Visual Studio 2015 CTP, CTP 6 this past Monday, there were some great improvements not only in the IDE but also ASP.NET 5. See the article ...

Debugging ASP.NET 5 framework code using Visual Studio 2015

In the previous versions of ASP.NET it was possible to debug certain parts of the framework stack but setting up the development environment and compiling all the binaries was not the easiest task. ASP.NET 5 changes that and makes debugging framework code as easy as debugging your own application. This article shows how to debug into the ASP....

Making It Better: Updates for ASP.NET 5 in Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5

It's been about two months since we released the first beta of ASP.NET 5, and today we happy to announce that ASP.NET 5 Beta2 is available. For developers using Visual Studio, you'll find great new tools to support and enhance your development process.  All ASP.NET developers will be able to take advantage of a new runtime and many ...