John Wargo [MSFT]

Principal Program Manager, Visual Studio App Center

John is a professional software developer, writer, presenter, father, husband, and Geek. For the last 12 years, he’s focused on enterprise mobility and building mobile apps. He’s an author of 6 books on mobile development, including 4 on PhoneGap/Apache Cordova, and has been a contributor to the open-source Apache Cordova project. He loves tinkering with IoT, building and writing about projects for Arduino, Particle Photon, Raspberry Pi, and more. He’s currently a Program Manager for Visual Studio App Center and Azure Notifications Hubs at Microsoft.

Post by this author

Announcing MBaaS Service Retirement

We are discontinuing efforts in the Auth, Data and Push services and working to retire these preview services in App Center. With this change, we will focus App Center on delivering a world-class mobile and desktop DevOps experience.

Visual Studio App Center, User Identity, & Shared Devices 

The user identity capabilities of App Center enhance how you interact with your app users and allow you to more easily troubleshoot issues when they arise We’ll continue to add capabilities to App Center to enhance what you can do for your app users,

Expanding the Visual Studio App Center Network with OneSignal

Developers can now look to OneSignal for configuring an integration with App Center Analytics. OneSignal users can choose to send their analytics events to App Center, which delivers powerful querying tools to integrate events across your app and your infrastructure, with SQL-like querying.

Introducing Push to User for Visual Studio App Center

We made some recent changes to Visual Studio App Center that enable our customers to associate app users with their data in App Center. App Center customers can use this user association to send push notifications to specific users through App Center Push. In this article, I’ll explain how it all works.

Growing the Visual Studio App Center Service Portfolio

There’s a lot you can do in your apps using App Center, but we also know our customers use other services in their apps as well. Successful apps typically identify users using a third-party identity service or the less popular username and password approach. These apps usually manage some sort of application data, whether it’s the user’s data shared across multiple devices or data shared across multiple users, groups, or even whole companies or divisions. Data in this context means structured or unstructured data as well as binary data such as files.